Thursday, October 23, 2008


Does anyone actually eat Pringles in America? I can think of maybe one occasion where I have. In Liberia they are the staple potato chip. Their long shelf life and non-crush packaging make them a shoo in for national imported crunchy snack. I suppose we could always buy the South African Lion brand chips at the expensive supermarkets but their psychedelic flavors like salt and pepper, chutney, sweet chile, and paprika are just a turn off. Also on the Pringles note have you ever eaten them with friends and somebody doesn't do the opposite facing chip duckbill thing? Discuss. Well enough on Pringles. Enjoy all of the great snack foods you have access to and remember that some Liberian kid will probably never get to have Fritos Scoops, Wavy Lays, or Combos.

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