Thursday, March 26, 2009

My bed...

I have a sleep routine now that is rarely failing me. When we first came to Liberia we all slept on the floor with these paper thin yet surprisingly insulating foam mattresses. It was the pits. It is physically impossible to sleep while fanning yourself with a piece of cardboard. I know. I have tried. Those first four months were nearly unbearable. When we returned a few months later Tim had authorized beds for us and they were at the house waiting. The mattresses were comfortable and I was able to set up next to the window in my room. The heat was still pretty bad but it was nice to at least get some airflow. I left last March for the states ready to bring back some sort of small fan unit to keep myself cool at night. Thankfully John VanHuizen left battery operated fans for me. The last 8 months have been a breeze. Literally. I am sleeping better than ever. Through each of these stages I have relied on falling asleep to sermons or books on my ipod. I have finally got sleeping in Liberia down. Until last night. My ipod froze so I wasn't able to fall right asleep. I managed to doze off finally. I was rolling over at about 3 am and then... Bam! I was tipped at a fortyfive degree angle back and to my right.

The small, chinese, brass hinges that hold my bed together gave way. I managed lift my mosquito net and roll out without further damaging my bed. I grabbed a spare mattress and camped out on the floor until daybreak. Now, I have been surfing diligently and the majority of food I eat is farm fresh. I tell you this because a Liberian would say I have been "reducing." I don't deny that God made me a big guy but it is not good for the self esteem when the bed breaks underneath you. Maybe I was just getting a little cocky about how handsome I am. Maybe God just wanted to remind me to be humble. I still have a long way to go.

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