Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have always thought my Liberian Husky One Love was a pretty sweet dog. I have never really looked back on his name and said "That's a stupid name for a dog, why not Fido or Spot." The other day, though, I was driving to my jobsite and I brought One Love along with me. I realized maybe I should have named him R2D2. Luke was always talking to R2. Even when they were alone. Like in the cockpit of his X-wing. So I tried it out just to see how it fit. I looked into my dogs deep brown eyes and spoke the words. "That's right R2 were going to the Degoba system. I have a promise to keep for an old friend." Brilliant, it felt so natural. One Love looked as if he understood too. There are so many applications to this. Except I don't think my loyal dog would be able to shut down any trash compactors any time soon.
I can't change his name now, its too late. If you get a new dog sometime soon consider naming it R2D2, the possabilities are endless.

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